Terms of Service

I hold the copyright to the art piece and I can use it for commission examples, what I do not hold the copyright to are things that don’t belong to me (characters and species), for that, I’ll credit the rightful owner(s) in the post.

Credit me if you post said art piece on any other site, either by mentioning me or linking my profile, it doesn’t matter as long as you give credit and do not claim said artwork as your own. You also cannot remove my signature/watermark.

If you order a design for me, you must credit me as the designer in their bio/ref sheet. You can make minor tweaks to it as long as it is recognizable, which means you cannot completely change the species (said you order a pony and make it a dragon or human unless it’s an alternative universe but you understand what I mean), only use the color palette, that would be a waste of money.

If you don’t want the commissioned art piece to be public, just say so I’ll completely understand.
I can refuse/say no to any commission to order if I either don’t feel comfortable with the subject matter or if I feel that I’m unable to draw what you ordered.

The prices shown are base prices, it’s unlikely they’ll change but they can depend on the difficulty of your order (complexity of the scene, number of characters, the complexity of the design that you want me to draw).

I don’t do refunds after the commissioned piece is finished. You can’t cancel the order after I start with the digital process.

( Made with Carrd )